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Red Raider Softball Camps

at Texas Tech University


Red Raider Softball Camps are held at Rocky Johnson Field on the Texas Tech University campus in Lubbock, Texas. Red Raider Softball Camps are led by the TTU Red Raider Softball coaching staff. For more information about our program, click on the links at the top of the page.


BOOSTER STATEMENT: Please note that in accordance with NCAA rules, an athletic booster or other representative of Texas Tech's athletics interests may not pay for any expense (e.g., registration fee, travel, lodging, etc.) related to a prospective student-athlete's participation in a sports camp or clinic administered by Texas Tech or any of its coaches or staff members.

ATTENDANCE STATEMENT: Please note that in accordance with NCAA rules, an athletic booster or other representative of Texas Tech's athletics interests may not pay for any expense (e.g., registration fee, travel, lodging, etc.) related to a prospective student-athlete's participation in a sports camp or clinic administered by Texas Tech or any of its coaches or staff members. This camp is not an official function of Texas Tech and is open to all entrants limited only by numbers, grade level and gender.

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